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libvldocking-java: Java components for building applications with Docking capabilities

Distribution Debian stable
Abteilung libs
Quelle libvldocking-java
Version 2.1.4-3
Maintainer Debian Java Maintainers <>
Beschreibung An application can be divided into sub-sets: the "dockables".
- Each Dockable can be precisely positionned by the user, by a drag and drop
gesture issued from its title bar.
- Dockables can be grouped into tabbed panes.
Every Dockable is given a title bar with a set of common functions (and
keyboard shortcuts):
- Maximize / Restore : the Dockable takes all the available space on the
- Detach/Attach : the Dockable is extracted from its parent window
- Iconify / Restore : the Dockable is changed into a side button : it appears
only when the mouse is moved over it
- Contextual pop-up menus : customizable title bars and tabs
- Close / Closable tab
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