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bpython-gtk: fancy interface to the Python interpreter - GTK+ frontend

Distribution Debian testing
Abteilung python
Quelle bpython
Maintainer David Paleino <>
Beschreibung bpython is a fancy interface to the Python interpreter, and has the
following features:
* In-line syntax highlighting.
* Readline-like autocomplete with suggestions displayed as you type
* Expected parameter list for any Python function. Uses pydoc to attempt to
divine params for C functions.
* "Rewind" function to pop the last line of code from memory and re-evaluate.
Note: this is only really useful when laying out classes and functions,
since a true "undo" function is impossible, so be careful when using this.
* Send the code you've entered off to a pastebin and display the pastebin URL
for copying, etc.
* Save the code you've entered to a file.
* Auto-indentation.
* Anti-Crash Mode.
This package contains the GTK+ frontend to bpython.
Abhängig vonbpython (=, python (>= 2.5), python-gobject, python-gtk2
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