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libconfig6-dev: parsing and manipulation of structured config files(development)

Distribution Debian testing
Abteilung libdevel
Quelle libconfig
Version 1.3.1-1
Maintainer Jose Luis Tallon <jltallon@adv-solutions.net>
Beschreibung This library features a fully reentrant parser and includes bindings for
both the C and C++ programming languages. It runs on modern POSIX-compliant
systems such as Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X (Darwin), as well as on
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP and later (Visual Studio or MinGW).
This library allows parsing, manipulating and writing structured configuration
files. Its main features are:
- A fully reentrant parser: Multiple configurations can be parsed in
concurrent threads at the same time.
- A simple, structured configuration file format: more readable and compact
than XML and more flexible than Windows' "INI" file format.
- A low-footprint implementation
- Proper documentation.
This package contains the files needed in order to use libconfig
in your own programs.
Abhängig vonlibconfig6 (= 1.3.1-1), pkg-config (>= 0.20)
Offizielle Seiten Paket Entwicklerinformationen Bugs (Binärpaket) Bugs (Quellpaket)
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