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apt-offline: offline apt package manager

Distribution Debian unstable
Abteilung admin
Quelle apt-offline
Version 0.9.8
Maintainer Ritesh Raj Sarraf <>
Beschreibung apt-offline is an Offline APT Package Manager
apt-offline can fully update and upgrade an APT based distribution without
connecting to the network, all of it transparent to apt
apt-offline can be used to generate a signature on a machine (with no network).
This signature contains all download information required for the apt database
system. This signature file can be used on another machine connected to the
internet (which need not be a Debian box and can even be running windows) to
download the updates.
The downloaded data will contain all updates in a format understood by apt and
this data can be used by apt-offline to update the non-networked machine.
apt-offline can also fetch bug reports and make them available offline
Abhängig vonapt, python (>= 2.5), python-argparse, python-support (>= 0.90.0)
Offizielle Seiten Paket Entwicklerinformationen Bugs (Binärpaket) Bugs (Quellpaket)
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