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dpatch: patch maintenance system for Debian source packages

Distribution Debian unstable
Abteilung vcs
Quelle dpatch
Version 2.0.31
Maintainer Dpatch Maintainers <>
Beschreibung dpatch is an easy to use patch system for Debian packages, somewhat
similar to the dbs package, but much simpler to use.
It lets you store patches and other simple customization templates in
debian/patches and otherwise does not require much reorganization of
your source tree. To get the patches applied at build time you simply
need to include a makefile snippet and then depend on the
patch/unpatch target in the build or clean stage of debian/rules - or
you can use the dpatch patching script directly.
It can easily apply patches only on specific architectures if needed.
Abhängig vonbash (>= 3.0-6)
Recommendsdpkg-dev, fakeroot, patchutils
Offizielle Seiten Paket Entwicklerinformationen Bugs (Binärpaket) Bugs (Quellpaket)
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