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libxml-twig-perl: Perl module for processing huge XML documents in tree mode

Distribution Debian unstable
Abteilung perl
Quelle libxml-twig-perl
Version 1:3.34-1
Maintainer Bart Martens <>
Beschreibung This module provides a way to process XML documents. It is built on
top of XML::Parser.
The module offers a tree interface to the document, while allowing to
output the parts of it that have been completely processed.
It allows minimal resource (CPU and memory) usage by building the
tree only for the parts of the documents that need actual processing,
through the use of the twig_roots and twig_print_outside_roots
options. The finish and finish_print methods also help to increase
XML::Twig tries to make simple things easy so it tries its best to
takes care of a lot of the (usually) annoying (but sometimes
necessary) features that come with XML and XML::Parser.
Abhängig vonlibxml-parser-perl, perl
Recommendslibhtml-parser-perl, libtext-iconv-perl, libtie-ixhash-perl, libwww-perl, libxml-xpath-perl | libxml-xpathengine-perl
Vorgeschlagenlibunicode-map8-perl, libunicode-string-perl, xml-twig-tools
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