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sendfile: Simple Asynchronous File Transfer

Distribution Debian unstable
Abteilung net
Quelle sendfile
Version 2.1b.20080616-3
Maintainer Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org>
Beschreibung Sendfile is an asynchronous file transfer service for the Internet,
like the sendfile facility in Bitnet: Any user A can send files to
another user B without B being active in any way.
The existing standard file transfer (ftp) is a synchronous service:
The user must have access to an account on the sending and on the
receiving site, too.
Sendfile for Unix, which is an implementation of the SAFT protocol
(Simple Asynchronous File Transfer) now offers you a true
asynchronous file transfer service for the Internet. Virtually any
form of file can be sent, including encrypted ones. The SAFT
protocol will be submitted as an RFC in the near future.
Abhängig vonlibc6 (>= 2.3), libreadline6 (>= 6.0), inet-superserver | openbsd-inetd, perl | perl5
Offizielle Seiten Paket Entwicklerinformationen Bugs (Binärpaket) Bugs (Quellpaket)
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