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ser: high-performance SIP server

Distribution Debian unstable
Abteilung net
Quelle ser
Version 2.0.0-4
Maintainer Debian VoIP Team <>
Beschreibung SER, the SIP Express Router, is a very fast and flexible server for
SIP (the Session Initiation Protocol). It can act as a SIP
registrar, proxy or redirect server. SER can be configured to serve
specialized purposes such as load balancing or SIP front-end to
application servers. Together with the RTPproxy it can act as media
relay or Session Border Controller.
SER features complete support of RFC 3261 functionality, a variety of
database backends, management features, load-balancing), NAT
traversal, telephony features (LCR, speeddial), multidomain hosting,
ENUM, presence, and more.
Abhängig vonadduser, libc6 (>= 2.7), libreadline5 (>= 5.2), libuuid1 (>= 2.16), libxml2 (>= 2.7.4)
Vorgeschlagenrtpproxy, ser-cpl-module, ser-jabber-module, ser-mysql-module, ser-pa-module, ser-radius-modules
Ersetztser-acc-radius-module (< < 2)
Kollidiert mitser-acc-db-module (< < 2.0.0-4), ser-acc-radius-module (< < 2.0.0-4), ser-cpl-module (< < 2.0.0-4), ser-jabber-module (< < 2.0.0-4), ser-mysql-module (< < 2.0.0-4), ser-pa-module (< < 2.0.0-4), ser-postgres-module (< < 2.0.0-4), ser-radius-modules (< < 2.0.0-4)
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