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Suchergebnisse für Debian Perl Group

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
clive Debian unstable video extraction utility for YouTube, Google Video and others 2.2.11-1
clive Debian testing video extraction utility for YouTube, Google Video and others 2.2.11-1
clive-utils Debian unstable additional utilities for clive 2.1.6-1
clive-utils Debian testing additional utilities for clive 2.1.6-1
dh-make-perl Debian testing helper for creating Debian packages from perl modules 0.68-1
dh-make-perl Debian stable Create Debian packages from perl modules 0.47
dh-make-perl Debian unstable helper for creating Debian packages from perl modules 0.68-1
eekboek Debian unstable Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses 2.00.02-1
eekboek Debian experimental Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses 2.00.00~RC2-1
eekboek Debian testing Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses 2.00.00-1
eekboek-db-postgresql Debian unstable PostgreSQL database driver for EekBoek 2.00.02-1
eekboek-db-postgresql Debian experimental PostgreSQL database driver for EekBoek 2.00.00~RC2-1
eekboek-db-postgresql Debian testing PostgreSQL database driver for EekBoek 2.00.00-1
eekboek-gui Debian experimental Graphical User Interface for EekBoek 2.00.00~RC2-1
eekboek-gui Debian unstable Graphical User Interface for EekBoek 2.00.02-1
eekboek-gui Debian testing Graphical User Interface for EekBoek 2.00.00-1
gearman-server Debian unstable Gearman distributed job server and Perl interface 1.11-1
gearman-server Debian testing Gearman distributed job server and Perl interface 1.11-1
jifty Debian testing perl web MVC framework 0.91117-1
jifty Debian unstable perl web MVC framework 0.91117-1
latexdiff Debian unstable utility to mark up significant differences between LaTeX files 0.5-2
latexdiff Debian testing utility to mark up significant differences between LaTeX files 0.5-2
libacme-bleach-perl Debian unstable Perl module for really clean programs 1.12-1
libacme-bleach-perl Debian testing Perl module for really clean programs 1.12-1
libacme-damn-perl Debian unstable Perl module to unbless objects 0.04-1
libacme-damn-perl Debian testing Perl module to unbless objects 0.04-1
libacme-poe-knee-perl Debian testing Time sliced pony race using the POE event loop 1.10-7
libacme-poe-knee-perl Debian unstable Time sliced pony race using the POE event loop 1.10-7
libalgorithm-c3-perl Debian testing Perl module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm 0.08-1
libalgorithm-c3-perl Debian unstable Perl module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm 0.08-1
libalgorithm-diff-perl Debian testing a perl library for finding Longest Common Sequences in text 1.19.02-1
libalgorithm-diff-perl Debian stable a perl library for finding Longest Common Sequences in text 1.19.02-1
libalgorithm-diff-perl Debian unstable a perl library for finding Longest Common Sequences in text 1.19.02-1
libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl Debian unstable module to find differences between files (XS accelerated) 0.04-1
libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl Debian testing module to find differences between files (XS accelerated) 0.04-1
libalgorithm-merge-perl Debian unstable Perl module for three-way merge of textual data 0.08-1
libalgorithm-merge-perl Debian testing Perl module for three-way merge of textual data 0.08-1
libalgorithm-munkres-perl Debian unstable extension for Munkres' solution to Assignment problem 0.08-2
libalgorithm-munkres-perl Debian testing extension for Munkres' solution to Assignment problem 0.08-2
libalgorithm-permute-perl Debian unstable module to perform permutations with object oriented interface 0.12-1
libalgorithm-permute-perl Debian testing module to perform permutations with object oriented interface 0.12-1
libalias-perl Debian testing Access perl variables through aliases 2.32-8+b1
libalias-perl Debian stable Access perl variables through aliases 2.32-8+b1
libalias-perl Debian unstable Access perl variables through aliases 2.32-8+b1
libaliased-perl Debian testing Perl module to provide aliases of class names 0.30-1
libaliased-perl Debian unstable Perl module to provide aliases of class names 0.30-1
libalien-wxwidgets-perl Debian unstable Perl module for locating wxWidgets binaries 0.50+dfsg-1
libalien-wxwidgets-perl Debian testing Perl module for locating wxWidgets binaries 0.50+dfsg-1
libalien-wxwidgets-perl Debian experimental building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries 0.37-2
libalien-wxwidgets-perl Debian stable building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries 0.37-1
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