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Suchergebnisse für Luca Falavigna

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
bleachbit Debian unstable delete unnecessary files from the system 0.7.4-1
bleachbit Debian testing delete unnecessary files from the system 0.7.4-1
boa-constructor Debian testing RAD tool for Python and wxWindows application 0.6.1-9
boa-constructor Debian stable RAD tool for Python and WxWindows application 0.6.1-4
boa-constructor Debian unstable RAD tool for Python and wxWindows application 0.6.1-9
debomatic Debian stable automatic build machine for Debian source packages 0.5-2
debomatic Debian unstable automatic build machine for Debian source packages 0.8-1
debomatic Debian testing automatic build machine for Debian source packages 0.8-1
debomatic Debian experimental automatic build machine for Debian source packages 0.6-1
dreampie Debian unstable advanced graphical interactive Python shell 1.0.2-1
dreampie Debian testing advanced graphical interactive Python shell 1.0.2-1
drpython Debian stable simple and customizable editor for the Python language 1:3.11.0-2
foff Debian testing X/GTK+ FTP client - Free Open FTP Face 0.99.5-7
foff Debian unstable X/GTK+ FTP client - Free Open FTP Face 0.99.5-7
grdc Debian unstable transitional dummy package for remmina 0.7.5-1
grdc Debian testing transitional dummy package for remmina 0.7.5-1
grdc-gnome Debian unstable transitional dummy package for remmina-gnome 0.7.3-1
grdc-gnome Debian testing transitional dummy package for remmina-gnome 0.7.3-1
gtg Debian unstable organizer for the GNOME desktop environment 0.2.4-1
gtg Debian testing organizer for the GNOME desktop environment 0.2.4-1
iceweasel-webdeveloper Debian stable web developer extension for the Iceweasel web browser 1.1.6-3
iceweasel-webdeveloper Debian experimental web developer extension for the Iceweasel web browser 1.1.6+repack-1
kupfer Debian unstable fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher 0+v200-1
kupfer Debian testing fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher 0+v200-1
lfm Debian testing simple but powerful file manager for the UNIX console 2.1-2
lfm Debian unstable simple but powerful file manager for the UNIX console 2.1-2
libkeybinder-dev Debian unstable registers global key bindings for applications - development headers 0.2.1-1
libkeybinder-dev Debian testing registers global key bindings for applications - development headers 0.2.1-1
libkeybinder0 Debian unstable registers global key bindings for applications 0.2.1-1
libkeybinder0 Debian testing registers global key bindings for applications 0.2.1-1
oggconvert Debian unstable convert media files to free formats 0.3.2-4
oggconvert Debian testing convert media files to free formats 0.3.2-4
oggconvert Debian experimental Convert media files to free formats 0.3.2-1
oggconvert Debian stable Convert media files to free formats 0.3.1-3
python-httplib2 Debian testing comprehensive HTTP client library written in Python 0.6.0-1
python-httplib2 Debian unstable comprehensive HTTP client library written in Python 0.6.0-1
python-keybinder Debian testing registers global key bindings for applications - Python bindings 0.2.1-1
python-keybinder Debian unstable registers global key bindings for applications - Python bindings 0.2.1-1
python-launchpadlib Debian unstable Launchpad web services client library 1.6.0-1
python-launchpadlib Debian testing Launchpad web services client library 1.5.7-1
python-lazr.restfulclient Debian unstable client for lazr.restful-based web services 0.9.14-1
python-lazr.restfulclient Debian testing client for lazr.restful-based web services 0.9.14-1
python-lazr.uri Debian unstable library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs 1.0.2-2
python-lazr.uri Debian testing library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs 1.0.2-2
python-wadllib Debian unstable Python library for navigating WADL files 1.1.4-2
python-wadllib Debian testing Python library for navigating WADL files 1.1.4-2
pythoncad Debian testing Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) program
pythoncad Debian stable Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) program 0.1.35-4
pythoncad Debian unstable Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) program
qa-assistant Debian testing quality-assurance checklist assistant
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