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  Box of Rain
  COBOLT NetServices
  Gish Network
  IIP/IR Vienna
  L & D Computer
  LinSoft IT
  M & D
  Media Business Software
  Medical Business Solutions
  Net Stores
  Transfair-Net GmbH
  West Branch Angler
  Wintime IT Solutions

Suchergebnisse für Nicolas Duboc

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
jython Debian testing Python seamlessly integrated with Java 2.2.1-2.1
jython Debian stable Python seamlessly integrated with Java 2.2.1-2
jython Debian unstable Python seamlessly integrated with Java 2.2.1-2.1
jython-doc Debian testing Jython documentation including API docs 2.2.1-2.1
jython-doc Debian stable Jython documentation including API docs 2.2.1-2
jython-doc Debian unstable Jython documentation including API docs 2.2.1-2.1
libconstantine-java Debian unstable platform constants for Java 0.4-1
libconstantine-java Debian testing platform constants for Java 0.4-1
libconstantine-java-doc Debian unstable Java Constantine library API documentation 0.4-1
libconstantine-java-doc Debian testing Java Constantine library API documentation 0.4-1
libdom1-java Debian testing Java bindings for the DOM API Level 1 0.19990107-8
libdom1-java Debian stable Java bindings for the DOM API Level 1 0.19990107-8
libdom1-java Debian unstable Java bindings for the DOM API Level 1 0.19990107-8
libjna-posix-java Debian unstable basic POSIX-like functions for Java 1.0.1-1
libjna-posix-java Debian testing basic POSIX-like functions for Java 1.0.1-1
libjna-posix-java-doc Debian unstable Java JNA-POSIX library API documentation 1.0.1-1
libjna-posix-java-doc Debian testing Java JNA-POSIX library API documentation 1.0.1-1
libxp-java Debian testing XML 1.0 parser for Java 0.5-3
libxp-java Debian stable XML 1.0 parser for Java 0.5-3
libxp-java Debian unstable XML 1.0 parser for Java 0.5-3
spamprobe Debian testing Bayesian spam filter 1.4d-5
spamprobe Debian stable Bayesian spam filter 1.4d-5
spamprobe Debian unstable Bayesian spam filter 1.4d-6
zile Debian testing very small Emacs-subset editor 2.3.13-1
zile Debian stable very small Emacs-subset editor 2.2.59-2
zile Debian unstable very small Emacs-subset editor 2.3.15-1
zile Debian experimental very small Emacs-subset editor 2.2.29-1


 Marktplatz für Musikinstrumente und Zubehör
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 Systemadministration für Internetagentur
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 Reengineering e-procurement System
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 Marktplatz für elektronische Bauelemente
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 Foreign Service National Training Database
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