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Suchergebnisse für Ross Burton

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
contact-lookup-applet Debian testing contact lookup applet for GNOME 0.16-1+b1
contact-lookup-applet Debian stable contact lookup applet for GNOME 0.16-1
contact-lookup-applet Debian unstable contact lookup applet for GNOME 0.16-1+b1
contacts Debian testing lightweight addressbook 0.9-1
contacts Debian stable lightweight addressbook 0.9-1
contacts Debian unstable lightweight addressbook 0.9-1
dates Debian testing a calendar optimised for embedded devices 0.4.8-1
dates Debian stable a calendar optimised for embedded devices 0.4.6-1
dates Debian unstable a calendar optimised for embedded devices 0.4.8-1
dates-hildon Debian unstable a calendar optimised for embedded devices - Hildon flavour 0.4.8-1
dates-hildon Debian testing a calendar optimised for embedded devices - Hildon flavour 0.4.8-1
dates-hildon Debian stable a calendar optimised for embedded devices - Hildon flavour 0.4.6-1
desktop-file-utils Debian testing Utilities for .desktop files 0.15-2
desktop-file-utils Debian stable Utilities for .desktop files 0.15-1
desktop-file-utils Debian unstable Utilities for .desktop files 0.15-2
desktop-file-utils Debian experimental Utilities for .desktop files 0.13-1
devilspie Debian testing find windows and perform actions on them 0.22-1
devilspie archive sarge-backports find windows and perform actions on them 0.16-0bpo1
devilspie Debian stable find windows and perform actions on them 0.22-1
devilspie Debian unstable find windows and perform actions on them 0.22-1
diveintopython Debian testing free Python book for experienced programmers 5.4-2
diveintopython Debian stable free Python book for experienced programmers 5.4-2
diveintopython Debian unstable free Python book for experienced programmers 5.4-2
doc-gnome-hig Debian testing GNOME Human Interface Guidelines 2.0-3
doc-gnome-hig Debian stable GNOME Human Interface Guidelines 2.0-3
doc-gnome-hig Debian unstable GNOME Human Interface Guidelines 2.0-3
flvstreamer Debian unstable command-line RTMP client 2.1c1-1
flvstreamer Debian testing command-line RTMP client 2.1c1-1
gegl Debian unstable Generic Graphics Library Test Program 0.0.22-2
gegl Debian testing Generic Graphics Library Test Program 0.0.22-2
gegl Debian stable Generic Graphics Library Test Program 0.0.18-1
gir1.0-clutter-1.0 Debian unstable GObject introspection data for the Clutter 1.0 library 1.0.8-1
gir1.0-clutter-1.0 Debian testing GObject introspection data for the Clutter 1.0 library 1.0.8-1
gir1.0-clutter-1.0 Debian experimental GObject introspection data for the Clutter 1.0 library 1.2.4-1
gir1.0-gssdp-1.0 Debian unstable GObject introspection data for the GSSDP library 0.7.2-2
gir1.0-gssdp-1.0 Debian testing GObject introspection data for the GSSDP library 0.7.2-2
gir1.0-gupnp-1.0 Debian unstable GObject introspection data for the GUPnP library 0.13.3-2
gir1.0-gupnp-1.0 Debian testing GObject introspection data for the GUPnP library 0.13.3-2
gir1.0-gupnp-av-1.0 Debian unstable GObject introspection data for the GUPnP-AV library 0.5.5-2
gir1.0-gupnp-av-1.0 Debian testing GObject introspection data for the GUPnP-AV library 0.5.5-2
gnome-xcf-thumbnailer Debian unstable GNOME thumbnailer for GIMP XCF files. 1.0-1
gnome-xcf-thumbnailer Debian testing GNOME thumbnailer for GIMP XCF files. 1.0-1
gnome-xcf-thumbnailer Debian stable GNOME thumbnailer for GIMP XCF files. 1.0-1
gssdp-tools Debian unstable GObject-based library for SSDP (tools) 0.7.2-2
gssdp-tools Debian testing GObject-based library for SSDP (tools) 0.7.2-2
gssdp-tools Debian stable GObject-based library for SSDP (tools) 0.6.1-1
gtk-engines-lighthouseblue Debian testing LighthouseBlue theme for GTK+ 1.2 0.6.3-1.1
gtk-engines-lighthouseblue Debian stable LighthouseBlue theme for GTK+ 1.2 0.6.3-1.1
gtk-engines-lighthouseblue Debian unstable LighthouseBlue theme for GTK+ 1.2 0.6.3-1.1
gtk-smooth-themes Debian testing A set of themes for the Smooth GTK+ Engine 0.5.8-2.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next Last


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