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Suchergebnisse für

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
bootparamd Debian testing Boot parameter server 0.17-9
bootparamd Debian stable Boot parameter server 0.17-9
bootparamd Debian unstable Boot parameter server 0.17-9
ftp Debian testing The FTP client 0.17-21
ftp Debian stable The FTP client 0.17-18
ftp Debian unstable The FTP client 0.17-22
ftpd Debian testing File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server 0.17-29
ftpd Debian stable File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server 0.17-29
ftpd Debian unstable File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server 0.17-29
fwlogwatch Debian testing Firewall log analyzer 1.1-4
fwlogwatch Debian stable Firewall log analyzer 1.1-3
fwlogwatch Debian unstable Firewall log analyzer 1.1-4.1
gqcam Debian testing GTK Webcam control 0.9.1-5
gqcam Debian stable GTK Webcam control 0.9.1-4
gqcam Debian unstable GTK Webcam control 0.9.1-6
hotswap Debian testing (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware 0.4.0-11
hotswap Debian stable (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware 0.4.0-11
hotswap Debian unstable (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware 0.4.0-11
hotswap-gui Debian testing (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (GUI front-ends) 0.4.0-11
hotswap-gui Debian stable (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (GUI front-ends) 0.4.0-11
hotswap-gui Debian unstable (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (GUI front-ends) 0.4.0-11
hotswap-text Debian testing (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (command line tool) 0.4.0-11
hotswap-text Debian stable (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (command line tool) 0.4.0-11
hotswap-text Debian unstable (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (command line tool) 0.4.0-11
icmpinfo Debian testing Interpret ICMP messages 1.11-7
icmpinfo Debian stable Interpret ICMP messages 1.11-7
icmpinfo Debian unstable Interpret ICMP messages 1.11-7
irda-utils Debian testing IrDA management and handling utilities 0.9.18-10
irda-utils Debian stable IrDA management and handling utilities 0.9.18-8.1
irda-utils Debian unstable IrDA management and handling utilities 0.9.18-10
kmyfirewall Debian testing iptables based firewall configuration tool for KDE 1.1.1-2
kmyfirewall Debian stable iptables based firewall configuration tool for KDE 1.1.1-1
kmyfirewall Debian unstable iptables based firewall configuration tool for KDE 1.1.1-2
libapache-mod-auth-pgsql Debian testing Apache module for PostgreSQL authentication 0.9.12-9+b1
libapache-mod-auth-pgsql Debian stable Apache module for PostgreSQL authentication 0.9.12-9
libapache-mod-auth-pgsql Debian unstable Apache module for PostgreSQL authentication 0.9.12-9+b1
libapache-mod-dosevasive Debian testing evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks 1.10-1
libapache-mod-dosevasive Debian stable evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks 1.10-1
libapache-mod-dosevasive Debian unstable evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks 1.10-1
libapache-mod-security Debian unstable Tighten web applications security for Apache 2.5.12-1
libapache-mod-security Debian testing Tighten web applications security for Apache 2.5.12-1
libapache2-mod-evasive Debian unstable evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks 1.10.1-1
libapache2-mod-evasive Debian testing evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks 1.10.1-1
libapache2-mod-evasive Debian stable evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks 1.10.1-1
mbmon Debian testing Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (text client) 2.05-6
mbmon Debian stable Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (text client) 2.05-6
mbmon Debian unstable Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (text client) 2.05-6
mboxgrep Debian testing Grep through mailboxes 0.7.9-1
mboxgrep Debian stable Grep through mailboxes 0.7.9-1
mboxgrep Debian unstable Grep through mailboxes 0.7.9-1
1 2 3 Next Last


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