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Suchergebnisse für

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
aptfs Debian stable FUSE filesystem for APT source repositories 0.6.1
cakephp Debian stable MVC rapid application development framework for PHP
cakephp-instaweb Debian stable Development webserver for CakePHP applications 0.3
cakephp-scripts Debian stable MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (scripts)
cakephp1.2 Debian unstable MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (1.2 version)
cakephp1.2 Debian testing MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (1.2 version)
cakephp1.2-scripts Debian unstable MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (scripts)
cakephp1.2-scripts Debian testing MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (scripts)
debian-bts-applet Debian unstable GNOME panel applet for monitoring the status of Debian bugs 0.3
debian-bts-applet Debian testing GNOME panel applet for monitoring the status of Debian bugs 0.3
debian-bts-applet Debian stable GNOME panel applet for monitoring the status of Debian bugs 0.3
geordi Debian experimental IRC bot that evaluates C++ snippets 0:20080409T2234-1
giftrans Debian testing Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a 1.12.2-15
giftrans Debian stable Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a 1.12.2-15
giftrans Debian unstable Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a 1.12.2-15
jasmin-sable Debian stable Java class (.class) file assembler 2.3.0-1
libghc6-irc-dev Debian stable GHC 6 libraries for the Haskell IRC library 0.4.3-1+b2
libghc6-irc-doc Debian stable GHC 6 libraries for the Haskell IRC library (documentation) 0.4.3-1
mtpfs Debian stable FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices 0.8+svn11-1
pypy Debian unstable the Python in Python interpreter, C backend translation 1.0.0-svn55443-1
pypy-dev Debian unstable the Python in Python interpreter, interpreted version 1.0.0-svn55443-1
pypy-doc Debian unstable Documentation for PyPy 1.0.0-svn55443-1
pypy-lib Debian unstable standard Python library for PyPy 1.0.0-svn55443-1
pypy-stackless Debian unstable the Python in Python interpreter, C backend translation 1.0.0-svn55443-1
python-codespeak-lib Debian stable The pylib library containing py.test, greenlets and other niceties 0.9.1-3
robocode Debian stable Java programming game based on battle tanks 1.6.0~beta2-1
robocode-doc Debian stable Java programming game based on battle tanks (documentation) 1.6.0~beta2-1
swi-prolog Debian stable ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter 5.6.58-2
swi-prolog-clib Debian stable SWI-Prolog interface to system libraries 5.6.58-2
swi-prolog-doc Debian stable Documentation for SWI-Prolog interpreter and XPCE 5.6.58-1
swi-prolog-http Debian stable HTTP libraries for SWI-Prolog 5.6.58-2
swi-prolog-odbc Debian stable ODBC library for SWI-Prolog 5.6.58-2
swi-prolog-semweb Debian stable SWI-Prolog library for manipulating RDF triples 5.6.58-2
swi-prolog-sgml Debian stable SGML/XML/HTML parser for SWI-Prolog 5.6.58-2
swi-prolog-table Debian stable External table library for SWI-Prolog 5.6.58-2
swi-prolog-xpce Debian stable User interface library for SWI-Prolog 5.6.58-2
trac-spamfilter Debian stable Spam-prevention plugin for Trac 0.2.1+svn6871-1


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