Interchange Perl DBI MySQL



  Box of Rain
  COBOLT NetServices
  Gish Network
  IIP/IR Vienna
  L & D Computer
  LinSoft IT
  M & D
  Media Business Software
  Medical Business Solutions
  Net Stores
  Transfair-Net GmbH
  West Branch Angler
  Wintime IT Solutions

Suchergebnisse für

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
album Debian unstable HTML photo album generator with theme support 4.06-2
album Debian stable HTML photo album generator with theme support 4.04-3
album Debian testing HTML photo album generator with theme support 4.06-2
album-data Debian unstable themes, plugins and translations for album 4.05-2
album-data Debian testing themes, plugins and translations for album 4.05-2
album-data Debian stable themes and translations for album 4.03.dfsg-2
bittwist Debian testing libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator 1.1-1
bittwist Debian unstable libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator 1.1-1
bittwist Debian stable libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator 1.0-1
gconjugue Debian unstable gtk program to conjugate Brazilian verbs 0.7.2-1
gconjugue Debian testing gtk program to conjugate Brazilian verbs 0.7.2-1
gconjugue Debian stable gtk program to conjugate Brazilian verbs 0.7.1-2
hapm Debian testing light and fast high availability port monitor 0.7-1
hapm Debian stable light and fast high availability port monitor 0.4-1
hapm Debian unstable light and fast high availability port monitor 0.7-1
hlbr Debian testing IPS that runs over layer 2 (no TCP/IP stack required) 1.7.2-2
hlbr Debian unstable IPS that runs over layer 2 (no TCP/IP stack required) 1.7.2-2
hlbr Debian stable IPS that runs over layer 2 (no TCP/IP stack required) 1.6-2~lenny1
hlbrw Debian unstable assistant to help make new rules to HLBR 0.2.4-1
hlbrw Debian testing assistant to help make new rules to HLBR 0.2.4-1
iceweasel-firegpg Debian unstable iceweasel extension to use GnuPG in web pages 0.5.dfsg-1
iceweasel-firegpg Debian testing iceweasel extension to use GnuPG in web pages 0.5.dfsg-1
iceweasel-linky Debian stable iceweasel extension to handle web and image links 2.7.1-1
iceweasel-linky Debian unstable iceweasel extension to handle web and image links 2.7.1-1
iceweasel-linky Debian testing iceweasel extension to handle web and image links 2.7.1-1
jp2a Debian unstable converts jpg images to ascii 1.0.6-3
jp2a Debian testing converts jpg images to ascii 1.0.6-3
jp2a Debian stable converts jpg images to ascii 1.0.6-2
ktranslator Debian testing translate words from one language to another 0.4-2
ktranslator Debian unstable translate words from one language to another 0.4-2
ktranslator Debian stable translate words from one language to another 0.4-2
libpcapnav0 Debian unstable wrapper to libpcap 0.8-1
libpcapnav0 Debian testing wrapper to libpcap 0.8-1
libpcapnav0-dev Debian unstable development files for libpcapnav 0.8-1
libpcapnav0-dev Debian testing development files for libpcapnav 0.8-1
pacman4console Debian unstable a console based pacman game 1.2-2
pacman4console Debian testing a console based pacman game 1.2-2
pacman4console Debian stable a console based pacman game 1.2-2
phpwebcounter Debian stable simple and light web hit counter 1.0-1
phpwebcounter Debian unstable simple and light web hit counter 1.0-1
phpwebcounter Debian testing simple and light web hit counter 1.0-1
phpwebcounter-extra Debian stable extra graphical numbers to PHP Web Counter 20071108-1
phpwebcounter-extra Debian unstable extra graphical numbers to PHP Web Counter 20071108-1
phpwebcounter-extra Debian testing extra graphical numbers to PHP Web Counter 20071108-1


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