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Suchergebnisse für

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
4digits Debian unstable A guess-the-number game, aka Bulls and Cows 0.8-2
9menu Debian testing Creates X menus from the shell 1.8-2
9menu Debian unstable Creates X menus from the shell 1.8-2
9mount Debian unstable plan9 filesystem (v9fs) user mount utilities 1.3-7
9mount Debian testing plan9 filesystem (v9fs) user mount utilities 1.3-7
9mount-dbg Debian unstable plan9 filesystem (v9fs) user mount utilities (debug) 1.3-7
9mount-dbg Debian testing plan9 filesystem (v9fs) user mount utilities (debug) 1.3-7
a2ps-perl-ja Debian testing perl version of Miguel Santana's a2ps (supports KANJI) 1.45-5
a2ps-perl-ja Debian unstable perl version of Miguel Santana's a2ps (supports KANJI) 1.45-5
aap Debian testing make-like "expert system" for building software 1.091-1
aap Debian unstable make-like "expert system" for building software 1.091-1
aap-doc Debian testing make-like "expert system" for building software (documentation) 1.091-1
aap-doc Debian unstable make-like "expert system" for building software (documentation) 1.091-1
abicheck Debian stable binary compatibility checking tool 1.2-3
abs-guide Debian testing The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide 4.1-2
achims-guestbook Debian testing Achims Guestbook is a php guestbook 2.53-2
achims-guestbook Debian unstable Achims Guestbook is a php guestbook 2.53-2
ada-mode Debian testing Ada mode for GNU Emacs and XEmacs 3.6-3
ada-mode Debian unstable Ada mode for GNU Emacs and XEmacs 3.6-3
adduser-ng Debian testing Add and remove users and groups 0.1.2-3
adduser-ng Debian unstable Add and remove users and groups 0.1.2-3
adduser-ng-doc Debian testing Documentation for AddUser-NG users 0.1.2-3
adduser-ng-doc Debian unstable Documentation for AddUser-NG users 0.1.2-3
adduser-ng-doc-devel Debian testing Documentation for AddUser-NG developers 0.1.2-3
adduser-ng-doc-devel Debian unstable Documentation for AddUser-NG developers 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-bkdinit Debian testing Manage configuration of BKD-Init 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-bkdinit Debian unstable Manage configuration of BKD-Init 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-cvsaccess Debian testing Manage access to CVS repositories via pserver 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-cvsaccess Debian unstable Manage access to CVS repositories via pserver 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-eximconf Debian testing Specific Exim mail server configuration plugin 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-eximconf Debian unstable Specific Exim mail server configuration plugin 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-eximconf4 Debian testing Specific Exim mta (version 4.x) server configuration plugin 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-eximconf4 Debian unstable Specific Exim mta (version 4.x) server configuration plugin 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-notifyjabber Debian testing Send messages to a JID about new added users 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-notifyjabber Debian unstable Send messages to a JID about new added users 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-quota Debian testing adduser-ng plugin, which provides access to filesystem quota 0.1.2-3
adduser-plugin-quota Debian unstable adduser-ng plugin, which provides access to filesystem quota 0.1.2-3
adduser-ui-cdk Debian testing Cdk-based User Interface for adduser-ng 0.1.2-3
adduser-ui-cdk Debian unstable Cdk-based User Interface for adduser-ng 0.1.2-3
adesklets Debian testing interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System 0.6.1-5
adesklets Debian stable interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System 0.6.1-4
adesklets Debian unstable interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System 0.6.1-5
adplug-utils Debian testing free AdLib sound library (utils) 2.0.1.dfsg-1
adplug-utils Debian stable free AdLib sound library (utils) 2.0.1-7
adplug-utils Debian unstable free AdLib sound library (utils) 2.0.1.dfsg-1
afbackup Debian testing Client-Server Backup System (Server side) 3.5.3-3
afbackup Debian unstable Client-Server Backup System (Server side) 3.5.3-3
afbackup-client Debian testing Client-Server Backup System (Client side) 3.5.3-3
afbackup-client Debian unstable Client-Server Backup System (Client side) 3.5.3-3
afbackup-common Debian testing Client-Server Backup System (common files) 3.5.3-3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Next Last


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