Interchange Perl DBI MySQL



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Suchergebnisse für

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version
aboot-base Debian testing base files required for bootable media on Linux/Alpha 1.0~pre20040408-3
aboot-base Debian stable base files required for bootable media on Linux/Alpha 1.0~pre20040408-3
aboot-base Debian unstable base files required for bootable media on Linux/Alpha 1.0~pre20040408-3
aboot-cross Debian testing utility to create bootable ISO-Images for Linux/Alpha 1.0~pre20040408-3
aboot-cross Debian stable utility to create bootable ISO-Images for Linux/Alpha 1.0~pre20040408-3
aboot-cross Debian unstable utility to create bootable ISO-Images for Linux/Alpha 1.0~pre20040408-3
fnlib-data Debian testing font files needed by Fnlib 0.5-13
fnlib-data Debian stable font files needed by Fnlib 0.5-13
fnlib-data Debian unstable font files needed by Fnlib 0.5-13
freetds-bin Debian unstable FreeTDS command-line utilities 0.82-6+b1
freetds-bin Debian testing FreeTDS command-line utilities 0.82-6
freetds-common Debian stable configuration files for FreeTDS SQL client libraries 0.82-4
freetds-common Debian unstable configuration files for FreeTDS SQL client libraries 0.82-6
freetds-common Debian testing configuration files for FreeTDS SQL client libraries 0.82-6
freetds-dev Debian testing MS SQL and Sybase client library (static libs and headers) 0.82-6
freetds-dev Debian stable MS SQL and Sybase client library (static libs and headers) 0.82-4
freetds-dev Debian unstable MS SQL and Sybase client library (static libs and headers) 0.82-6+b1
freetype2-demos Debian testing FreeType 2 demonstration programs 2.3.11-1
freetype2-demos Debian stable FreeType 2 demonstration programs 2.3.7-2+lenny1
freetype2-demos Debian unstable FreeType 2 demonstration programs 2.3.11-1
libct3 Debian testing libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers 0.63-3.4
libct3 Debian stable libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers 0.63-3.2
libct3 Debian unstable libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers 0.63-3.4
libct4 Debian testing libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers 0.82-6
libct4 Debian unstable libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers 0.82-6+b1
libct4 Debian stable libraries for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL servers 0.82-4
libdbd-sybase-perl Debian testing Sybase/MS SQL database driver for the DBI module 1.00-3+b4
libdbd-sybase-perl Debian stable Sybase/MS SQL database driver for the DBI module 1.00-3+b2
libdbd-sybase-perl Debian unstable Sybase/MS SQL database driver for the DBI module 1.00-3+b4
libfnlib-dev Debian testing header files needed for Fnlib development 0.5-13
libfnlib-dev Debian stable header files needed for Fnlib development 0.5-13
libfnlib-dev Debian unstable header files needed for Fnlib development 0.5-13
libfnlib0 Debian testing a special font rendering library used by Enlightened apps 0.5-13
libfnlib0 Debian stable a special font rendering library used by Enlightened apps 0.5-13
libfnlib0 Debian unstable a special font rendering library used by Enlightened apps 0.5-13
libfreetype6 Debian testing FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files 2.3.11-1
libfreetype6 Debian stable FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files 2.3.7-2+lenny1
libfreetype6 Debian unstable FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files 2.3.11-1
libfreetype6-dev Debian testing FreeType 2 font engine, development files 2.3.11-1
libfreetype6-dev Debian stable FreeType 2 font engine, development files 2.3.7-2+lenny1
libfreetype6-dev Debian unstable FreeType 2 font engine, development files 2.3.11-1
libmyodbc Debian testing the MySQL ODBC driver 3.51.27r695-1
libmyodbc Debian stable the MySQL ODBC driver 3.51.15r409-4
libmyodbc Debian unstable the MySQL ODBC driver 3.51.27r695-1
libodbcinstq1c2 Debian testing Qt-based ODBC configuration library 2.2.11-21
libodbcinstq1c2 Debian stable Qt-based ODBC configuration library 2.2.11-16
libodbcinstq1c2 Debian unstable Qt-based ODBC configuration library 2.2.14p2-1
libpam-cracklib Debian testing PAM module to enable cracklib support 1.1.1-3
libpam-cracklib Debian stable PAM module to enable cracklib support 1.0.1-5+lenny1
libpam-cracklib Debian unstable PAM module to enable cracklib support 1.1.1-3
1 2 Next Last


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