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Suchergebnisse für bacula

bacula | Network backup, recovery and verification (Meta-package) | Mehr ...
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
administrator) to manage backup, recovery and verification of computer data
across a network of computer of different kinds.
Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced
storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost or
damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is scalable from small single
computer systems to systems consisting of hundreds of computers located over
a large network.
This meta-package provides the entire suite of bacula applications:
job scheduling, storage control, node connector, and administrative console.
bacula-client | Network backup, recovery and verification (Client meta-package) | Mehr ...
Minimal Bacula system client (File Daemon and Console only)
bacula-common | Network backup, recovery and verification (Common Support files) | Mehr ...
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you to manage backup,
recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers
of different kinds.
bacula-console | Network backup, recovery and verification (Mgmt. Console) | Mehr ...
The Console allows the administrator or user to communicate with the
Bacula Director. This is the TTY version.
bacula-console-gnome | Network backup, recovery and verification (Console, Gnome version) | Mehr ...
The Console allows the administrator or user to communicate with the
Bacula Director. This is the Gnome version.
This Gnome2 GUI interface is for the moment far from complete but is quite
functional, having all the capabilities of the shell Console.
bacula-console-wx | Network backup, recovery and verification (Console, Gnome version) | Mehr ...
The WX-Console allows the administrator or user to communicate with the
Bacula Director. It provides a graphical interface to the backup/restore
This GUI interface has been designed to ease restore operations as much as
possible as compared to the "conventional" console.
There is a Win32 version of this program available for download from
Bacula's website:
bacula-director-common | Network backup, recovery and verification (Director common files) | Mehr ...
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you to manage backup,
recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers
of different kinds.
bacula-director-mysql | Network backup, recovery and verification (Director daemon) | Mehr ...
The Bacula Director service supervises all the backup, restore, verify and
archive operations. The system administrator uses the Director to schedule
backups and to recover files.
The Director can run as a daemon or as a service (i.e. in the foreground)
This version stores Bacula's Catalog in a MySQL server, and thus is suited
for largish installations.
bacula-director-pgsql | Network backup, recovery and verification (Director daemon) | Mehr ...
The Bacula Director service supervises all the backup, restore, verify and
archive operations. The system administrator uses the Director to schedule
backups and to recover files.
The Director can run as a daemon or as a service (i.e. in the foreground)
This version stores Bacula's Catalog in a PostgreSQL server, and thus is
suited for largish installations.
bacula-director-sqlite | Network backup, recovery and verification (Director daemon) | Mehr ...
The Bacula Director service supervises all the backup, restore, verify and
archive operations. The system administrator uses the Director to schedule
backups and to recover files.
The Director can run as a daemon or as a service (i.e. in the foreground)
This version stores Bacula's Catalog in an SQLite database, and thus is
suited for smaller installations.
bacula-director-sqlite3 | Network backup, recovery and verification (Director daemon) | Mehr ...
The Bacula Director service supervises all the backup, restore, verify and
archive operations. The system administrator uses the Director to schedule
backups and to recover files.
The Director can run as a daemon or as a service (i.e. in the foreground)
This version stores Bacula's Catalog in an SQLite3 database, and thus is
suited for smaller installations.
bacula-fd | Network backup, recovery and verification (Filer daemon) | Mehr ...
This program has to be installed in the machine to be backed up. It is
responsible for providing the file attributes and data when requested by
the Director, and also for the filesystem-dependent part of restoration.
There is a Win32 version of this program available for download from
Bacula's website:
bacula-sd | Network backup, recovery and verification (Storage daemon) | Mehr ...
This program performs the storage and recovery of the file attributes and
data to the physical backup media or volumes. In other words, it is
responsible for reading and writing your tapes (or other storage media,
such as files).
The Storage Daemon runs as a daemon on the machine which has the backup
device(s) (usually a tape drive).
bacula-sd-mysql | Network backup, recovery and verification (SD tools-MySQL) | Mehr ...
This package contains the bscan and bcopy utilities, which are used for
recovery when Bacula's catalog is unavailable.
bacula-sd-pgsql | Network backup, recovery and verification (SD tools-PostgreSQL) | Mehr ...
This package contains the bscan and bcopy utilities, which are used for
recovery when Bacula's catalog is unavailable.
bacula-sd-sqlite | Network backup, recovery and verification (SD tools-SQLite) | Mehr ...
This package contains the bscan and bcopy utilities, which are used for
recovery when Bacula's catalog is unavailable.
bacula-sd-sqlite3 | Network backup, recovery and verification (SD tools-SQLite3) | Mehr ...
This package contains the bscan and bcopy utilities, which are used for
recovery when Bacula's catalog is unavailable.
bacula-server | Network backup, recovery and verification (Server meta-package) | Mehr ...
Bacula system server: SQL-based catalog (SQLite, MySQL, or PgSQL) and
Storage Daemon, for a single machine (medium-sized deployment)
This meta-package provides an standard server install, comprising Director
and Storage daemons.
bacula-traymonitor | Network backup, recovery and verification (Tray monitor) | Mehr ...
The tray monitor for bacula; FreeDesktop standard's compatible


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