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texlive-math-extra: TeX Live: Advanced math typesetting

Distribution Debian experimental
Abteilung tex
Quelle texlive-extra
Version 2009-3
Maintainer Debian TeX Maintainers <>
Beschreibung Extra math
This package includes the following CTAN packages:
12many -- Generalising mathematical index sets.
amstex -- American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros.
boldtensors -- Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix
bosisio -- A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio.
ccfonts -- Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX.
commath -- Mathematics typesetting support.
concmath -- Concrete Math fonts.
concrete -- Concrete Roman fonts.
extarrows -- Extra Arrows beyond those provided in AMSmath
extpfeil -- Extensible arrows in mathematics.
faktor -- Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX.
ionumbers -- Restyle numbers in maths mode.
isomath -- Mathematics conformant to ISO 31.
mathcomp -- Text symbols in maths mode.
mattens -- Matrices/tensor typesetting.
mhequ -- Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering.
multiobjective -- Symbols for multibojective optimisation etc.
nath -- Natural mathematics notation.
proba -- Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts.
shuffle -- A symbol for the shuffle product.
statex2 -- Statistics style.
stex -- An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents.
stmaryrd -- St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science.
susy -- Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work.
syllogism -- Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX.
synproof -- Easy drawing of syntactic proofs.
tablor -- Create tables of signs and of variations.
tensor -- Typeset tensors.
tex-ewd -- Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in
Dijkstra's style.
thmbox -- Decorate theorem statements.
turnstile -- Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation.
venn -- Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost.
yhmath -- Extended maths fonts for LaTeX.
Abhängig vondpkg (>= 1.14.18), tex-common (>= 2.00), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
Offizielle Seiten Paket Entwicklerinformationen Bugs (Binärpaket) Bugs (Quellpaket)
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