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linuxdoc-tools: convert LinuxDoc SGML source into other formats

Distribution Debian stable
Abteilung text
Quelle linuxdoc-tools
Version 0.9.56
Maintainer Debian XML/SGML Group <>
Beschreibung LinuxDoc sgml is a highly configurable text format for writing
documentation, something like html only it's simpler and can be
converted to various other formats, including html for websites.
You write a LinuxDoc document using any text editor such as vim.
Then you use linuxdoc-tools to convert it to html, rtf, plain-text
(install linuxdoc-tools-text), info (install linuxdoc-tools-info),
latex, dvi or postscript (install linuxdoc-tools-latex). The
sgmltools-lite package can convert LinuxDoc to DocBook format.
LinuxDoc can automatically create a table of contents. It's easier to
write and read than docbook since it allows one to omit most closing
tags while paragraphs are separated by just blank lines.
Abhängig vonlibc6 (>= 2.7-1), perl (>= 5.6.0-16), sgml-base (>= 1.17), sgml-data, opensp | sp, gawk | mawk
Vorgeschlagengroff, info-browser, linuxdoc-tools-info, linuxdoc-tools-latex, linuxdoc-tools-text, texinfo, tetex-base (>= 0.9.990406) | texlive-latex-base, tetex-bin | texlive-base-bin, tetex-extra | texlive-latex-recommended
Ersetztlinuxdoc-sgml, linuxdoc-tools-info (< < 0.9.20), linuxdoc-tools-latex (< < 0.9.20), linuxdoc-tools-text (< < 0.9.20), sgml-tools
Kollidiert mitlinuxdoc-sgml, sgml-tools (< = 1.0.9-90)
Offizielle Seiten Paket Entwicklerinformationen Bugs (Binärpaket) Bugs (Quellpaket)
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