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Suchergebnisse für ebook-dev-alp

ebook-dev-alp | [EBOOK-DEV] Advanced Linux Programming | Mehr ...
If you are a developer for the GNU/Linux system, this book will help you to:
Develop GNU/Linux software that works the way users expect it to.
Write more sophisticated programs with features such as
multiprocessing, multi-threading, interprocess communication, and
interaction with hardware devices.
Improve your programs by making them run faster, more reliably, and
more securely.
Understand the peculiarities of a GNU/Linux system, including its
limitations, special capabilities, and conventions.
Advanced Linux Programming is published under the Open Publication
License, Version 1, no options exercised. (Due to an oversight in final
production, the copyright notice on the book is incorrect.) The full
text may be downloaded from this site. Code samples in the book are
covered by the GNU General Public License and are also available.


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