Interchange Perl DBI MySQL



  Box of Rain
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Suchergebnisse für libyaml-tiny-perl

libyaml-tiny-perl | Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible | Mehr ...
The YAML specification is huge. Like, really huge. It contains all the
functionality of XML, except with flexibility and choice, which makes it
easier to read, but with a full specification that is more complex than XML.
The pure-Perl implementation of YAML costs just over 4 megabytes of memory
to load. Just like with Windows .ini files (3 meg to load) and CSS
(3.5 meg to load) the situation is just asking for a YAML::Tiny module, an
incomplete but correct and usable subset of the functionality, in as little
code as possible.


 Reengineering e-procurement System
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 Foreign Service National Training Database
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 Marktplatz für Musikinstrumente und Zubehör
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 Systemadministration für Internetagentur
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 Marktplatz für elektronische Bauelemente
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