Interchange Perl DBI MySQL



  Box of Rain
  COBOLT NetServices
  Gish Network
  IIP/IR Vienna
  L & D Computer
  LinSoft IT
  M & D
  Media Business Software
  Medical Business Solutions
  Net Stores
  Transfair-Net GmbH
  West Branch Angler
  Wintime IT Solutions

Suchergebnisse für calcoo

calcoo | Scientific calculator (GTK+) | Mehr ...
Calcoo is a scientific calculator designed to provide maximum usability.
The features that make Calcoo better than (at least some) other calculator
programs are:
- bitmapped button labels and display digits to improve readability
- no double-function buttons - you need to click only one button
for any operation (except for arc-hyp trigonometric functions)
- undo/redo buttons
- both RPN (reverse Polish notation) and algebraic modes
- copy/paste interaction with X clipboard
- display tick marks to separate thousands
- two memory registers with displays
- displays for Y, Z, and T registers


 Reengineering e-procurement System
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 Systemadministration für Internetagentur
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 Marktplatz für elektronische Bauelemente
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 Foreign Service National Training Database
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 Marktplatz für Musikinstrumente und Zubehör
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