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Suchergebnisse für gnumeric

gnumeric | spreadsheet application for GNOME - main program | Mehr ...
Gnumeric is a spreadsheet application that interoperates well
with other spreadsheets. It comes with plugins that enable it to deal with
commonly used spreadsheet file formats.
The following formats can be imported and exported:
- Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls);
- Microsoft Excel 95 (.xls);
- OASIS XML, XML, StarOffice (.sxc);
- Comma/Character Separated Values (.csv);
- Data Interchange Format (.dif);
- Applix version 4 (.as).
Additionally, the following formats can be imported:
- GNU Oleo (.oleo);
- Linear and integer program expression format (.mps);
- Lotus 1-2-3 (.wks, .wk1);
- MS MultiPlan SYLK (.sylk);
- WordPerfect family "Plan Perfect" (.pln);
- Quattro Pro (tm);
- XSpread or SC;
- XBase (.dbf).
Gnumeric can export to LaTeX 2e (.tex), TROFF (.me) and HTML as well.
Gnumeric should be easy to use, in particular for users familiar with
Gnumeric is a GNOME application. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment)
is a user-friendly set of applications and desktop tools to be used in
conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System.
gnumeric-common | spreadsheet application for GNOME - common files | Mehr ...
Gnumeric is a spreadsheet application that interoperates well
with other spreadsheets. It comes with plugins that enable it to deal with
commonly used spreadsheet file formats.
This package contains architecture-independent data files needed by
gnumeric-doc | spreadsheet application for GNOME - documentation | Mehr ...
Gnumeric is a spreadsheet application that interoperates well
with other spreadsheets. It comes with plugins that enable it to deal with
commonly used spreadsheet file formats.
This package provides the user manual in GNOME Help
(DocBook XML) format.
gnumeric-plugins-extra | spreadsheet application for GNOME - additional plugins | Mehr ...
Gnumeric is a spreadsheet application that interoperates well
with other spreadsheets. It comes with plugins that enable it to deal with
commonly used spreadsheet file formats.
Some plugins shipped with gnumeric require additional packages to those
required by the main gnumeric program. These plugins are therefore
packaged separately.
This includes:
- Perl plugin;
- Python plugin;
- Python plugin loader;
- additional Python functions;
- GNOME glossary.


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