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Suchergebnisse für pose

pose-doc | emulates the hardware for most Palm Computing Platform devices | Mehr ...
Palm OS Emulator is an application that emulates the hardware for most Palm
Computing Platform Hardware devices (e.g., Pilot, PalmPilot, Palm III, Palm
V, Palm VII, etc.). With the Palm OS Emulator, you can emulate the functions
of a Palm hardware device, including running the built-in application, as
well as installing and running 3rd party applications.
POSE requires a ROM file to run, which can be transferred from a physical
Palm device, or downloaded from Palm's website (if you sign a license
This package contains the program documentation (mostly in pdf format) and
some sample scripts.


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 Systemadministration für Internetagentur
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 Foreign Service National Training Database
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 Marktplatz für Musikinstrumente und Zubehör
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 Marktplatz für elektronische Bauelemente
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