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Suchergebnisse für psi-plus

psi-plus | Jabber client using Qt | Mehr ...
Psi+ is a fork of free instant messaging Psi
It has some features that Psi does not have
- Easy to edit and view the topic
- Quick change rank and roles from the context menu in roster / chat
- Insert nick by click
- Context menu for nick in the message window
- Lock autologin in selected conference (at home / in the various autologin)
- When highlighted - pop up with text message notification
- Collapsing conference roster
- Recognition of hyperlinks in the topic of the conference log
- Constant nick color in conference, is set to hash nickname
- Turn off horizontal scrollbar in conference roster
- Login / autologin in the conference in background
- Voice / video calls, conference participants
- Fast add/remove bookmark
- Avatars contacts in the roster
- Mood icons in the roster
- Tune icons in the roster
- Ability to turn off scroll-bar in the roster
- Display icon in the pop-up notifications
- Text messages in pop-up notifications
- Button to send a message
- View the vCard from the context menu for jid in the body of your message
- Advanced set of commands to adjust the hotkeys
- Align Center icon on the button change the status, as in previous versions
- Display of icons in the status tabs
- The history of writing their own messages on Ctrl + Arrow Up
- Show images of events in a private chat window
- More contrasting color of the selected text
- Switching between tabs on Alt + N
- Close / minimize tab pressing the middle mouse button
- Copy text from chat on Ctrl + C
- Copy text from jid field on Ctrl + C
- Option "All in one box" style Tkabber (experimental)
- Turn off buttons on chat toolbar (optional)
- The option to turn off the confirmation of clearing chat window
- Fixed "Subject" position when displaying messages in a chat
- The "Call" in the central bar (voice / video call)
- The "Paste and send" - in the central bar and the menu button "Send"
- Templates of messages - in the central bar and the menu button "Send"
- Show version of the service browser
- Buttons, menus are now working with the click on the icon
- Choice of color lighted messages (highlighted)
- Choice of link color
- Support delivery notification (XEP-0184: Message Receipts)
- Time on Issuance iq request (XEP-0090: Entity Time, XEP-0202: Entity Time)
- Support for jabber: iq: version (XEP-0092: Software Version)
- Ability to set the "class" (XEP-0108: User Activity)
- Support for the broadcast stream from the Audacious
- Added command "idle" in the console (jabber: iq: last)
- Making a separate status of a specific contact / conference
- Improved initial setup
- Improved and expanded the definition of operating systems
- Contact Manager
- Locate plugins directory
- The option to exit the application when closure roster
- Revised plugins subsystem
- Show plugin version
- Improved action when moving to jabber-links
- Fixed display of messages in the IRC (Nick say:)
psi-plus-plugins | Plugins for Psi+ (Gmailnotify, Juick, Screenshot, Translate, ...) | Mehr ...
Psi+ Plugins:
- Autoreplay - automatic replay
- Birthday Reminder - notify contacts birthday
- Conference Logger - save conference history
- Gmailnotify - check gmail inbox and notification for new mails
- Image - send image use XEP-0071
- Juick - colorized nicks, tags, quotes from
- Screenshot - make screenshot and save it to local or ftp
- Stop Spam - stop spam bots use ask-replay test
- Translate - convert keyboard on hotkey


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