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Suchergebnisse für virtuoso-opensource

libvirtodbc0 | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - ODBC libraries | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the Virtuoso ODBC client libraries.
libvirtuoso5.5-cil | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Mono assemblies | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains Virtuoso's ADO.NET data provider for Mono.
virtuoso-minimal | Virtuoso minimal Server (metapackage for latest version) | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version
of virtuoso-minimal (currently virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin), as determined
by the Virtuoso maintainers. This should usually be depended on by all
packages which use Virtuoso as an embedded database.
virtuoso-opensource | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition (OSE) | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
OpenLink Virtuoso supports SPARQL embedded into SQL for querying RDF
data stored in Virtuoso's database. SPARQL benefits from low-level
support in the engine itself, such as SPARQL-aware type-casting rules
and a dedicated IRI data type.
This is the Virtuoso's Open-Source Edition (Virtuoso OSE).
virtuoso-opensource-6.1 | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Server support files | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the core tools and support files.
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Server Binaries | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the core binary libraries.
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-common | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Common Binaries | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the common binaries.
virtuoso-server | Virtuoso OSE Server (metapackage for latest version) | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version
of virtuoso-server (currently virtuoso-opensource-6.1), as determined by the
Virtuoso maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which
Virtuoso OSE version you need. That will install the version
recommended by the package maintainers.
virtuoso-vad-bpel | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - BPEL | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the BPEL application VAD (Virtuoso Application
Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-conductor | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Conductor | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the administration interface VAD (Virtuoso
Application Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-demo | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Demo | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the demo application VAD (Virtuoso Application
Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-doc | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Documentation | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the documentation VAD (Virtuoso Application
Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-isparql | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - iSPARQL | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the iSPARQL application VAD (Virtuoso
Application Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-ods | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Open Data Spaces | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains Open Data Spaces (ODS) VAD (Virtuoso
Application Distribution) packages.
virtuoso-vad-rdfmappers | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - RDF Mappers | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the RDF Mappers application VAD (Virtuoso
Application Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-sparqldemo | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - SPARQL Demo | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the SPARQL Demo application VAD (Virtuoso
Application Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-syncml | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - SyncML | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the SyncML application VAD (Virtuoso
Application Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vad-tutorial | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Tutorial | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the tutorial application VAD (Virtuoso
Application Distribution) package.
virtuoso-vsp-startpage | OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition - Start Page | Mehr ...
Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. As a
database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful
stored-procedure language with optional Java and .Net server-side
hosting, hot backup, SQL-99 support and more. It has all major
data-access interfaces, such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB.
This package contains the default start page for the web root.


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