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Suchergebnisse für graphthing

graphthing | tool to create, manipulate and study graphs | Mehr ...
Some of the features of GraphThing are:
* Adding, deleting and moving of vertices and edges.
* Loading and saving of graphs.
* Graph complements, induced subgraphs and line graphs.
* Quick creation of many common graphs (complete, cycle, null, star, etc.).
* Determination of shortest path, connectivity and Eulericity.
* BFS, DFS and Minimum Spanning Tree.
* Adjacency matrix (including exponents) and degree sequence.
* Chromatic polynomial and chromatic number.
* Network algorithms: Maximum network flow.
These `graphs' are mathematical objects that describe relationships between
sets; they are not 2D plots, charts, or anything similar to that.
At the moment, only simple graphs and digraphs are supported; that is,
no multiple edges or loops. Other than this, GraphThing can handle
every type of graph.


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