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Suchergebnisse für ispell-gl

aspell-gl-minimos | Aspell dictionary for Galician (minimos) | Mehr ...
This a aspell dictionary for Galician, using the "minimos"
standard, as put together by Andre Ventas and Ramon Flores.
There are at least three orthographic conventions for Galician:
ILG (official), reintegrationist and minimos. ILG uses orthographic
conventions more similar to Spanish; reintegrationists are
weighed towards Portuguese. Minimos tries to reach a middle
consensus point.
igalician-minimos | Ispell dictionary for Galician (minimos) | Mehr ...
This a ispell dictionary for Galician, using the "minimos"
standard, as put together by Andre Ventas and Ramon Flores.
There are at least three orthographic conventions for Galician:
ILG (official), reintegrationist and minimos. ILG uses orthographic
conventions more similar to Spanish; reintegrationists are
weighed towards Portuguese. Minimos tries to reach a middle
consensus point.
myspell-gl-es | Galician dictionary for myspell | Mehr ...
This is the Galician dictionary for myspell spellchecker
which is currently used within and the mozilla
spellchecker. It uses the "minimos" standard and is based on ispell
dictionary put together by Andre Ventas and Ramon Flores.
There are at least three orthographic conventions for Galician:
ILG (official), reintegrationist and minimos. ILG uses orthographic
conventions more similar to Spanish; reintegrationists are
weighed towards Portuguese. Minimos tries to reach a middle
consensus point.
wgalician-minimos | Wordlist for Galician (minimos) | Mehr ...
This a list of words for Galician, using the "minimos"
standard, as put together by Andre Ventas and Ramon Flores.
There are at least three orthographic conventions for Galician:
ILG (official), reintegrationist and minimos. ILG uses orthographic
conventions more similar to Spanish; reintegrationists are
weighed towards Portuguese. Minimos tries to reach a middle
consensus point.


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