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  Box of Rain
  COBOLT NetServices
  Gish Network
  IIP/IR Vienna
  L & D Computer
  LinSoft IT
  M & D
  Media Business Software
  Medical Business Solutions
  Net Stores
  Transfair-Net GmbH
  West Branch Angler
  Wintime IT Solutions

Suchergebnisse für s5

s5 | A simple HTML-based presentation system | Mehr ...
S5 is a slide show format based entirely on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
With one file, you can run a complete slide show and have a
printer-friendly version as well. The markup used for the slides is
very simple, highly semantic, and completely accessible. Anyone with
even a smidgen of familiarity with HTML or XHTML can look at the markup
and figure out how to adapt it to their particular needs. Anyone
familiar with CSS can create their own slide show theme. It's totally
simple, and it's totally standards-driven.
The name S5 stands for "Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System".


 Reengineering e-procurement System
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 Systemadministration für Internetagentur
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 Marktplatz für Musikinstrumente und Zubehör
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 Foreign Service National Training Database
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 Marktplatz für elektronische Bauelemente
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