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Debianpakete von

Paket Beschreibung Version Maintainer
a2ps-perl-ja perl version of Miguel Santana's a2ps (supports KANJI) 1.45-4 Ryuichi Arafune
ack-grep A grep-like program specifically for large source trees 1.80-1 Peter Makholm
cil command line issue tracker 0.5.1-1 Andrew Chilton
datafreedom-perl convert PIM data between applications in perl 0.1.7-1 Neil Williams
ebug-http web front end to a simple, extensible Perl debugger 0.31-2 Peter Makholm
gearman-server Gearman distributed job system 1.09-1 Pascal Hakim
glade-perl Convert Glade-Interface XML into perl code 0.61-1 Rémi Perrot
jirc an IRC to Jabber bridge bot 0.7-2 Kees Cook
kolab-libcyrus-imap-perl Interface to Cyrus imap client imclient library 2.2.13-5+lenny2 Debian Kolab Maintainers
lemonldap-ng Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system 0.9.2-1.1 Xavier Guimard
libacme-poe-knee-perl Time sliced pony race using the POE event loop 1.10-6 Steve Kowalik
libalgorithm-annotate-perl represent a series of changes in annotate form 0.10-1.1 Bastian Blank
libalgorithm-c3-perl A module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm 0.07-1 Debian Catalyst Maintainers
libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl Perl extension to generate and test check digits 0.48-1 Jose Parrella
libalgorithm-dependency-perl Base class for implementing various dependency trees in Perl 1.106-1 Jonas Genannt
libalgorithm-diff-perl a perl library for finding Longest Common Sequences in text 1.19.02-1 Debian Perl Group
libalias-perl Access perl variables through aliases 2.32-8+b1 Debian Perl Group
libalien-wxwidgets-perl building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries 0.37-1 Debian Perl Group
libalzabo-perl Data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper 0.92-2 Debian Perl Group
libanydata-perl simple tied hash interface for files and data structures 0.10-8 Bart Martens
libapache-admin-config-perl a Perl module to read/write Apache like configuration files 0.94-1.1 Raphaël Pinson
libapache-asp-perl perl Apache::ASP - Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl 2.59-2.1 Víctor Pérez Pereira
libapache-authcookie-perl Apache/mod_perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies 3.10-1 Stephen Quinney
libapache-authenhook-perl Perl API for Apache 2.1 authentication 2.00-04+pristine-1+b1 Debian Perl Group
libapache-authnetldap-perl LDAP authentication for Apache+mod_perl 0.29-2 Luk Claes
libapache-authznetldap-perl Apache-Perl module that enables to authorize a user with LDAP attributes 0.07-4 Debian Perl Group
libapache-configfile-perl Parse an Apache style httpd.conf configuration file 1.18-6 Debian Perl Group
libapache-db-perl Run the interactive Perl debugger under mod_perl 0.14-1 Debian Perl Group
libapache-dbi-perl Connect apache server to database via perl's DBI 1.07-1 Debian Perl Group
libapache-dbilogconfig-perl Apache::DBILogConfig: Logs access information in a DBI database 0.02-1 Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
libapache-dbilogger-perl Tracks what's being transferred in a DBI database 0.93-11 Debian Perl Group
libapache-filter-perl Alter the output of previous Apache handlers 1.024-2 Víctor Pérez Pereira
libapache-gallery-perl Apache module to create galleries on-the-fly 0.99-svn060811-1 Jesus Climent
libapache-htpasswd-perl Manage Unix crypt-style password file 1.8-0.1 Tatsuki Sugiura
libapache-mod-perl integration of perl with the Apache web server Debian Apache Maintainers
libapache-reload-perl Reload changed modules in a mod_perl environment 0.07-5 Don Armstrong
libapache-request-perl Generic Apache Request Library 1.33-1 Ron Lee
libapache-requestnotes-perl Perl module for passing form and cookie data around 0.06-7 Víctor Pérez Pereira
libapache-session-perl Perl modules for keeping persistent user data across http requests 1.86-1 Debian Perl Group
libapache-session-wrapper-perl A simple wrapper around Apache::Session 0.33-1 Debian Perl Group
libapache-sessionx-perl An extented persistence framework for session data 2.01-1.1 Angus Lees
libapache-singleton-perl Singleton class for mod_perl 0.07-1 Isaac Clerencia
libapache-ssi-perl Implement Apache Server Side Includes in Perl 2.19-2 Víctor Pérez Pereira
libapache-stage-perl Manage A Staging Directory 1.20-1 Gerfried Fuchs
libapache-template-perl Apache/mod_perl interface to the Template Toolkit 0.09-4 Víctor Pérez Pereira
libapache2-authcassimple-perl Apache2 module to authentificate trough a CAS server 0.07-1~lenny1 Debian Perl Group
libapache2-authenntlm-perl Perform Microsoft NTLM and Basic User Authentication 0.02-5+b1 Debian Perl Group
libapache2-mod-apreq2 generic Apache request library - Apache module 2.08-5+b1 Steinar H. Gunderson
libapache2-mod-perl2 Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server 2.0.4-5 Debian Perl Group
libapache2-modbt-perl Perl bindings for mod_bt 0.0.19+p4.2296-1 Tyler 'Crackerjack' MacDonald
a c d e g j k l li libapt libb libc libch libcl libcle libcr libd libdb libde libe libf libfo libg libgs libh libhtt libi libj libl liblw libm libmay libn libne libnew libp libpl libpr libs libst libt libtes libtex libti libu libw libx libxmm m n o p r s v w x z Next Last


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