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Debianpakete von

Paket Beschreibung Version Maintainer
aolserver4-core AOL web server version 4 - core libraries 4.5.1-12 Francesco Paolo Lovergine
aolserver4-dev AOL web server version 4 - development files 4.5.1-12 Francesco Paolo Lovergine
aolserver4-nsimap This is AOLserver 4 module that implements IMAP4 interface 3.2.3-4+b1 Riccardo Setti
aolserver4-nsldap AOLServer 4 module for LDAP 0.8-4 Riccardo Setti
aolserver4-nsmysql AOLserver 4 module: module for accessing MySQL databases 0.6-9+b1 Francesco Paolo Lovergine
aolserver4-nsopenssl AOLserver 4 module: module for SSL mode 3.0beta26-4 Francesco Paolo Lovergine
aolserver4-nspostgres AOLserver 4 module: Postgres connector 4.5-3 Francesco Paolo Lovergine
aolserver4-nssha1 AOLserver4 module: performs SHA1 hashes Provides a Tcl 0.1-3 Francesco Paolo Lovergine
aolserver4-nsxml Module for XML support in aolsever4 1.5-2 Riccardo Setti
aolserver4-xotcl Extended Object Tcl (XOTcl): Object orientation for AOLServer - module 1.6.6-1 Tcl/Tk Debian Packagers
apache2 Apache HTTP Server metapackage 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-mpm-event Apache HTTP Server - event driven model 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-mpm-itk multiuser MPM for Apache 2.2 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-mpm-prefork Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-mpm-worker Apache HTTP Server - high speed threaded model 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-prefork-dev Apache development headers - non-threaded MPM 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-src Apache source code 2.2.11-6 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-suexec Standard suexec program for Apache 2 mod_suexec 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-suexec-custom Configurable suexec program for Apache 2 mod_suexec 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-threaded-dev Apache development headers - threaded MPM 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2-utils utility programs for webservers 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2.2-bin Apache HTTP Server common binary files 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apache2.2-common Apache HTTP Server common files 2.2.15-5 Debian Apache Maintainers
apachetop Realtime Apache monitoring tool 0.12.6-12 Debian QA Group
boa Lightweight and high performance web server 0.94.14rc21-3.1 Francois-Denis Gonthier
bozohttpd Bozotic HTTP server 20090522-2 Mattias Nordstrom
caudium An extensible WWW server written in Pike 3:1.4.12-12.1 Henrik Andreasson
caudium-dev Development files for Caudium 3:1.4.12-12.1 Henrik Andreasson
caudium-modules C modules for Caudium 3:1.4.12-12.1 Henrik Andreasson
caudium-pixsl Pike XSLT module for Caudium 3:1.4.12-12.1 Henrik Andreasson
caudium-ultralog Log Parser module for Caudium 3:1.4.12-12.1 Henrik Andreasson
cherokee Very fast, flexible and easy to configure web server 0.99.44-1 Gunnar Wolf
dhttpd minimal secure webserver without cgi-bin support 1.02a-18 Ryan Niebur
ebhttpd specialized HTTP server to access CD-ROM books 1:1.0.dfsg.1-4.1 Masayuki Hatta (mhatta)
hunchentoot the Common Lisp web server formerly known as TBNL 1.0.0+dfsg-1 Debian Common Lisp Team
libapache-mod-auth-kerb apache module for Kerberos authentication 5.4-1 Ghe Rivero
libapache-mod-security Tighten web applications security for Apache 2.5.12-1 Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta
libapache2-mod-apreq2 generic Apache request library - Apache module 2.12-1 Steinar H. Gunderson
libapache2-mod-auth-cas CAS authentication module for Apache2 1.0.8-3 Michele Baldessari
libapache2-mod-auth-kerb apache2 module for Kerberos authentication 5.4-1 Ghe Rivero
libapache2-mod-auth-mysql Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication 4.3.9-13 Joey Schulze
libapache2-mod-auth-openid OpenID authentication module for Apache2 0.5-1 NIIBE Yutaka
libapache2-mod-auth-pam module for Apache2 which authenticate using PAM 1.1.1-8 LENART Janos
libapache2-mod-auth-plain Module for Apache2 which provides plaintext authentication 2.0.50 LENART Janos
libapache2-mod-auth-sys-group Module for Apache2 which checks user against system group 1.1.1-8 LENART Janos
libapache2-mod-authn-sasl SASL authentication backend provider for Apache 1.1-1 Ulises Vitulli
libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup access control based on on unix group membership for Apache 1.0.2-1 Hai Zaar
libapache2-mod-bw bandwidth limiting module for apache2 0.8-2 Sergey B Kirpichev
libapache2-mod-dnssd Zeroconf support for Apache 2 via avahi 0.6-2 Regis Boudin
libapache2-mod-fcgid an alternative module compat with mod_fastcgi 1:2.3.5-1 Tatsuki Sugiura
a b c d e h l libc m n o t w y Next Last


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