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Suchergebnisse für Debian Med Packaging Team

Paket Quelle Archiv Kurzbeschreibung Version Debian unstable Molecular Simulator for GNUstep 0.81-2
aeskulap Debian unstable medical image viewer and DICOM network client 0.2.2b1-6
aeskulap Debian testing medical image viewer and DICOM network client 0.2.2b1-6
alien-hunter Debian unstable Interpolated Variable Order Motifs to identify horizontally acquired DNA 1.7-1
alien-hunter Debian testing Interpolated Variable Order Motifs to identify horizontally acquired DNA 1.7-1
amide Debian unstable software for Medical Imaging 0.9.2-1+b1
arb Debian unstable Integrated package for sequence database handling and analysis 5.1-1
arb-common Debian unstable Integrated package for sequence database handling and analysis 5.1-1
arb-doc Debian unstable Integrated package for sequence database handling and analysis 5.1-1
autodock Debian unstable analysis of ligand binding to protein structure 4.2.3-1
autodock Debian testing analysis of ligand binding to protein structure 4.2.3-1
autodock-test Debian testing test files for AutoDock 4.2.3-1
autodock-test Debian unstable test files for AutoDock 4.2.3-1
autogrid Debian unstable pre-calculate binding of ligands to their receptor 4.2.3-1
autogrid Debian testing pre-calculate binding of ligands to their receptor 4.2.3-1
autogrid-test Debian testing test files for AutoGrid 4.2.3-1
autogrid-test Debian unstable test files for AutoGrid 4.2.3-1
bioperl Debian testing Perl tools for computational molecular biology 1.6.1-2
bioperl Debian unstable Perl tools for computational molecular biology 1.6.1-2
bioperl-run Debian unstable Wrapper modules for BioPerl 1.6.1-1
bioperl-run Debian testing Wrapper modules for BioPerl 1.6.1-1
bwa Debian unstable Burrows-Wheeler Aligner 0.5.7-1
bwa Debian testing Burrows-Wheeler Aligner 0.5.7-1
clustalw Debian unstable global multiple nucleotide or peptide sequence alignment 2.0.12-1
clustalx Debian unstable Multiple alignment of nucleic acid and protein sequences (graphical interface) 2.0.12-2
dcmtk Debian testing The OFFIS DICOM toolkit command line utilities 3.5.4-4
dcmtk Debian unstable The OFFIS DICOM toolkit command line utilities 3.5.4-4
dcmtk-doc Debian testing The OFFIS DICOM toolkit documentation 3.5.4-4
dcmtk-doc Debian unstable The OFFIS DICOM toolkit documentation 3.5.4-4
dcmtk-www Debian testing The OFFIS DICOM toolkit worklist www server application 3.5.4-4
dcmtk-www Debian unstable The OFFIS DICOM toolkit worklist www server application 3.5.4-4
dicom3tools Debian unstable DICOM medical image files manipulation and conversion tools 1.0~20100206-2
dicom3tools Debian testing DICOM medical image files manipulation and conversion tools 1.0~20100206-2
dicomscope Debian unstable The OFFIS DICOM Viewer 3.6.0-2
dicomscope Debian testing The OFFIS DICOM Viewer 3.6.0-2
emboss Debian testing the european molecular biology open software suite 6.1.0-5
emboss Debian unstable the european molecular biology open software suite 6.1.0-5
emboss-data Debian unstable data files for the EMBOSS package 6.1.0-5
emboss-data Debian testing data files for the EMBOSS package 6.1.0-5
emboss-doc Debian unstable documentation for EMBOSS 6.1.0-5
emboss-doc Debian testing documentation for EMBOSS 6.1.0-5
emboss-lib Debian unstable EMBOSS Libraries 6.1.0-5
emboss-lib Debian testing EMBOSS Libraries 6.1.0-5
emboss-test Debian testing test files for the EMBOSS package 6.1.0-5
emboss-test Debian unstable test files for the EMBOSS package 6.1.0-5
epigrass Debian unstable scientific tool for simulations and scenario analysis in network epidemiology 2.0.1~dfsg-1
epigrass Debian testing scientific tool for simulations and scenario analysis in network epidemiology 2.0.1~dfsg-1
exonerate Debian unstable generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison 2.2.0-2
exonerate Debian testing generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison 2.2.0-2
fastdnaml Debian testing Tool for construction of phylogenetic trees of DNA sequences 1.2.2-9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next Last


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