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dwm: dynamic window manager

Distribution Debian unstable
Abteilung x11
Quelle dwm
Version 5.7.2-2
Maintainer Debian Suckless Maintainers <>
Beschreibung dwm is a minimalistic window manager. It manages windows in tiling and floating
modes. Either mode can be applied dynamically, depending on the application in
use and the task performed.
In tiling mode windows are managed in a master and stacking column. The master
column contains the window which needs most attention at a time, whereas the
stacking column contains all other windows in a stack. Dialog windows are
managed floating, however.
In floating mode windows can be resized and moved freely. Windows are grouped
by tags. All windows with a specific tag can be viewed at a time. But each
window may contain more than one tag, which makes it visible in several views.
dwm consists of a small status bar which reads the text displayed from standard
input, if written. It draws 1-pixel borders around windows to indicate the
focus state. Unfocused windows contain a small bar in front of the window
displaying the tags and the window title.
Please notice that dwm is currently customized through editing its source code,
so you probably want to build your own dwm packages. This package is compiled
with the default configuration and should just give you an idea about what dwm
brings to your desktop.
Abhängig vonlibc6 (>= 2.2.5), libx11-6 (>= 0), libxinerama1
Recommendsdwm-tools, x11-xserver-utils
Offizielle Seiten Paket Entwicklerinformationen Bugs (Binärpaket) Bugs (Quellpaket)
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