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Debianpakete von

Paket Beschreibung Version Maintainer
6tunnel TCP proxy for non-IPv6 applications 0.11rc2-2~bpo.1 Thomas Seyrat
915resolution resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset 0.5.2-9~bpo.1 Steffen Joeris
9base Plan 9 userland tools 2-3~bpo.1 Daniel Baumann
abakus calculator for KDE 0.91-1~bpo.1 Steffen Joeris
acct The GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting 6.4~pre1-3~bpo.1 Daniel Baumann
acidbase Basic Analysis and Security Engine 1.2.7-4~bpo.1 David Gil
adplay console-based OPL2 audio player 1.5-3~bpo.1 Daniel Baumann
adplug-utils free AdLib sound library (utils) 2.0.1-2~bpo.1 Daniel Baumann
aide Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment 0.13.1-2~bpo.1 Aide Maintainers
akode-dbg debugging symbols for akode 2.0-2bpo1 Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
akregator RSS feed aggregator for KDE 4:3.5.0-4bpo1 Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
alsa-base ALSA driver configuration files 1.0.11-5~bpo.1 Debian ALSA Maintainers
alsa-oss ALSA wrapper for OSS applications 1.0.11-0bpo1 Debian ALSA Maintainers
alsa-source ALSA driver sources 1.0.11-5~bpo.1 Debian ALSA Maintainers
alsa-tools Console based ALSA utilities for specific hardware 1.0.11-0bpo1 Debian ALSA Maintainers
alsa-tools-gui GUI based ALSA utilities for specific hardware 1.0.11-0bpo1 Debian ALSA Maintainers
alsa-utils ALSA utilities 1.0.11-3bpo1 Debian ALSA Maintainers
amanda-client Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Client) 1:2.5.1p1-2.1~bpo.1 Bdale Garbee
amanda-common Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Libs) 1:2.5.1p1-2.1~bpo.1 Bdale Garbee
amanda-server Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Server) 1:2.5.1p1-2.1~bpo.1 Bdale Garbee
amavisd-new Interface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters 1:2.4.2-5~bpo.1 Brian May
amavisd-new-milter Interface between sendmail-milter and amavisd-new 1:2.4.2-5~bpo.1 Brian May
amor a KDE creature for your desktop 4:3.5.0-2bpo1 Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
amsn An MSN messenger written in tcl 0.95-1bpo1 Theodore Karkoulis
amule client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule 2.1.3-0bpo1 Julien Delange
amule-common common files for the rest of aMule packages 2.1.3-0bpo1 Julien Delange
amule-daemon non-graphic version of aMule, a client for the eD2k and Kad networks 2.1.3-0bpo1 Julien Delange
amule-utils utilities for aMule (command-line version) 2.1.3-0bpo1 Julien Delange
amule-utils-gui graphic utilities for aMule 2.1.3-0bpo1 Julien Delange
aoetools tools to assist in using ATA over Ethernet 10-1~bpo.1 David Martínez Moreno
apachetop Realtime Apache monitoring tool 0.12.6-5~bpo.1 Daniel Baumann
approx caching proxy server for Debian archive files 2.05bpo1 Eric Cooper
apt Advanced front-end for dpkg APT Development Team
apt-doc Documentation for APT APT Development Team
apt-move Maintain Debian packages in a package pool 4.2.24-1.1~bpo.1 Chuan-kai Lin
apt-proxy Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder 1.9.35-0.1~bpo.1 Chris Halls
apt-utils APT utility programs APT Development Team
aptitude terminal-based apt frontend Daniel Burrows
aptitude-doc-cs Czech manual for aptitude, a terminal-based apt frontend Daniel Burrows
aptitude-doc-en English manual for aptitude, a terminal-based apt frontend Daniel Burrows
aptitude-doc-fr French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based apt frontend Daniel Burrows
araneida A programmable web server written and extended in Lisp 0.90.1-dfsg-0bpo1 Peter Van Eynde
arpalert Monitor ARP changes in ethernet networks 2.0.3-1~bpo.1 Jan Wagner
arrayprobe command line HP (Compaq) SmartArray status checker 2.0-2~bpo.1 Matt Taggart
arts sound system from the official KDE release 1.5.0-2bpo1 Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
arts-dbg debugging symbols for arts 1.5.0-2bpo1 Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
artsbuilder synthesizer designer for aRts 4:3.5.0-2bpo1 Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
asciidoc Highly configurable text format for writing documentation 7.1.2-0bpo1 Fredrik Steen demo pages for ASP.NET 1.1 infrastructure Debian Mono Group
asp.net2-examples demo pages for ASP.NET 1.1 and 2.0 infrastructure Debian Mono Group
6 9 a as b bz c cl cla cp d do e et f fi fl g gn h i j k kd kde-ic kdep kg ko kor ks l li libbl libd libe libg libh libk libm libo libp libpo libr libs libsy libw libx libxi libxt lin linu linuxl m mo moz mu n o p ph po pr py q r s sp t u v w x xf xl y z zo Next Last


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